Fabrication de ressorts sur mesure

Fabrication de ressorts sur mesure

Fabrication de ressorts sur mesure

  Fondée en 2008, Janee Precision Hardware fabrique Pièces d’usinage CNC, ressorts à faible et grand volume et précision Pièces métalliques embouties pour un large éventail de secteurs industriels, à savoir Automobile, Électronique, Électronique grand public, Télécommunications et l’industrie maritime, etcSprings are manufactured from just one wire, and therefore could not be simpler in many respects, yet they hold the ingenious structure to be variably functional, consistent and absolutely vital to many mechanisms. From helical coils to more unusual shapes and designs, the humble spring is an invaluable component that many industries couldn't do without.

  We are a World Class Manufacturer exporting to customers worldwide. Our ability to carry out quality spring manufacture is renowned throughout many countries, and we always strive to uphold that strong reputation to the best of our ability. As expert spring manufacturers, we supply customers with a wide range of high quality products, and also prioritise the very best customer service at highly competitive prices. However, what really sets us apart from other manufacturers is our innovation, as our high-tech manufacturing facilities can create entirely bespoke designs in bulk and at speed. Our Spring facility consist of CNC Spring machines with capability of handling wire dia 0.1mm to 15 mm. Our Stamping Facility consists of press machines from 3T to 200T with capability of handling sheet thickness from 0.04mm to 6mm.

  Nous réalisons la conception et la fabrication d’outillages à l’aide de logiciels de CAO 3D répondant à toutes les spécifications et exigences du client. À partir de dessins d’ingénierie, nos concepteurs d’outils et fabricants d’outils analysent, planifient, conçoivent, construisent et libèrent collectivement des outils pour une fabrication avec répétabilité et productivité. Toutes sortes de ressorts peuvent être fabriqués en Janee, tels que la tension, l’extension, la compression, la torsion, les fils, les bobines, les plats, le porte-à-faux, les ressorts hélicoïdaux, les ressorts de compression, les ressorts à lames et de torsion. Pour plus d’informations sur nos capacités de fabrication de ressorts de précision, veuillez consulter ci-dessous ou Contactez-nous directement!

Application au printemps     

  Our durable custom spring designs are adaptable for use in any industry, and areas such as the electric, electronic, motor, offshore, pharmaceutical and telecommunication sectors rely on our springs and pressings in a significant way. And we are devoted ourselves custom springs for custom need.We can also design and subsequently manufacture springs that are directly in accordance with a customer’s specifications and requirements. Looking more about our spring application:
Application au printemps

Types de matériaux
  At Janee, our goal is to meet the needs of our customers. We don't see ourselves so much as a job shop or shop precision springs manufacturer, but as a company that forms long-term working relationships with our clients. We are able to stock customers’ springs so that we can offer a shorter turnaround time on future orders. Our expert technicians and machines
Peut fabriquer presque n’importe quel matériau, mais les matériaux les plus courants sont :

  • Inox
  • Dur étiré
  • Trempé à l’huile
  • Chrome Silicium
  • Chrome Vanadium

Une variété de matériaux sont disponibles chez Janee. Si vous ne trouvez pas le stock de matériaux que vous recherchez, veuillez cliquer ici pour Contactez-nous.

Finishes Available 

  Janee also provides several finishing services through trusted third-party vendors who we have developed relationships with over the years. These services include:

  Finition Description Matériau à appliquer
Power coating Poudre Il s’agit d’un processus où de la peinture en poudre est pulvérisée sur une pièce qui est ensuite cuite dans un four. Cela crée une couche solide, résistante à l’usure et à la corrosion, plus durable que les méthodes de peinture standard. Une grande variété de couleurs sont disponibles pour créer l’esthétique souhaitée. Inox, Steel, Aluminum
Zingage Zingage

This is a process that uses an electric current to reduce dissolved Zinc cations so that they form a thin coherent zinc coating on an electrode. Zinc plating helps to increase the strength, thermal resistance and chemical resistance of the product. With zinc plating, you can be sure that the finishing surface will last for a long time and would not be easily scratched and rusted.

Inox, Steel, Brass, Bronze
Vacuum Galvanoplastie It is a process that creates a layer of metal on a substrate of another material, also known as “vacuum deposition”, it involves heating the metal coating material until it vaporizes inside a vacuum chamber. It helps to retain the chemical and mechanical properties of the material such that there is no corrosion of the material. It also increases the resilience of the product. Inox, Steel, Brass, Bronze
Oxyde noir  The black oxide process is a chemical conversion coating which isn’t deposited on the surface of the substrate like electroplating. Instead, the black oxide coating is produced by a chemical reaction between the iron on the surface of the ferrous metal and the oxidizing salts present in the black oxide solution. It is a post treatments for to improve corrosion resistance. If you need further finishing, pls Contactez-nous we will seek for you and make you the best products according to your need. Inox, Steel
Électrophorèse Électrophorèse is the motion of dispersed particles relative to a fluid under the influence of a spatially uniform electric field. Électrophorèse of positively charged particles cations is sometimes called cataphoresis, while electrophoresis of negatively charged particles (anions) is sometimes called anaphoresis. Differing from electroplating, it's the process that creates a layer of paints on a substrate of a material, not a layer of metal.   Inox, Steel, Brass Bronze, Aluminum


If you need further finishing, pls Contactez-nous, we will seek for you and make you the best products according to your need.

