La capacité d’usinage CNC de Janee - Révélation de l’atelier

La capacité d’usinage CNC de Janee - Révélation de l’atelier

La capacité d’usinage CNC de Janee - Révélation de l’atelier

juin 21, 2023

Based in Dongguan, China, Janee is a famous manufacturer among CNC machining service, Fabrication de ressorts sur mesure et metal stamping&folding. The company currently owns 21 CNC lathes, 25 Swiss-type automatic lathes, 24 machine centers, 5 bending machines, 6 stamping machines et 5 spring machines. JANEE has an extensive global distribution network with 20 foreign sales representatives out of total 100+ employees. To give all of you more ideas about Janee, we are posting our workshop pictures. If you want to know more, you are welcomed to visit our factory or concact us to have online video meeting et take a close look of our fatory.

Voici notre centre d’usinage CNC :  

5 axis milling

Centre d’usinage simultané 5 axes

5-axis machining provides infinite possibilities as to the part sizes et shapes you can effectively process. The term “5-axis” refers to the number of directions in which the cutting tool can move. On a 5-axis machining center, the cutting tool moves across the X, Y et Z linear axes as well as rotates on the A et B axes to approach the workpiece from any direction. In other words, you can process five sides of a part in a single setup.  Our simultaneous 5-axis technology raises the limits on the types of part geometries you can machine.  

En savoir plus sur notre service de fraisage CNC

 Ensemble de l’atelier du centre d’usinage :

3-axis, 4-axis, et 5-axis milling machines are available in Janee. WIth our diverse CNC milling capability, all your milling needs are sure to be achieved here.  Contact us for more details!

L’atelier de tour CNC se compose de :

Tour automatisé

This cnc lathe is fully automated et few labour costed during production. After raw material placed onto the takeup, the manipulator grabs et brings it to the machine tools et have it processed. The dimensions for a given part are set into place with CAD software et then converted into an actual finished product with CAM software. 

En savoir plus sur notre service de tournage CNC

Tour suisse
Swiss-type machine is a highly automated lathe too, which can produce round et long parts, like shaft et pin, in one procedure. There are two spindles on a swiss-type machine et while one is cutting the material, the other one is in preparation, et as soon as the material ready, the secondary spindle will rotate et process the material. It's said that one end inputting the material et the other end outputting the finished product. For achieving concentricity et roundness, the rotating tools should be facing each other in centerline. It’s highly automated et accurate.


